Robotics Tech Firm Sequesters Carbon in Its New HQ / by Robert Simmons

functionally brilliant steel + timber queen post trusses are preserved and re-imagined brick walls create a masonry tapestry at main stair screen wall

functionally brilliant steel + timber queen post trusses are preserved and re-imagined brick walls create a masonry tapestry at main stair screen wall


When partner Andrew Meyer first began to elaborate on a vision for the home base for this MIT grad-led robotics start-up, he said that the 1911 auto garage they would inhabit should look like they removed the cars and hydraulic lifts, and just moved right in. Pickle Robot is a cadre of talented machine-learning roboticists, that have an unapologetic Bohemian firm aesthetic, not unlike the chaotic production environments they streamline with their autonomous order-picking robots. MORE…